Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Future of Nursing Informatics

      Technology and the effective use of it – is our future. The future of nursing and Nursing Informatics is in alignment with the future of healthcare – growth in the use of technology to ensure safety, positive outcomes and satisfaction of patients. Nursing is at the forefront of this wave of technology innovation.

     The Nursing Unit of the Future provides nurses with an opportunity to experience, assess benefits and provide feedback regarding new information technologies prior to implementation house-wide. As the nurses evaluate the clinical efficacy of devices and applications, the Nursing Informatics team also evaluates technical and clinical outcomes criteria including:
  • How devices withstand normal wear and tear
  • How easily information is gathered and recorded
  • User friendliness
  • Clinician satisfaction
  • Time efficiency versus existing methods
  • Impact on patient safety
  • Impact on patient satisfaction
  • Impact on caregiver satisfaction

    More Promise for the Future

         The future holds rapid and ongoing paradigm shifts for clinical caregivers, especially in the areas of electronic documentation, physician order entry and the collaborative transformation of clinical practice.4

         Technology holds the promise to eliminate redundancy, aggregate relevant information in easy to access and read formats and improve caregiver efficiency, as it enhances nursing practice and drives improvements in patient quality outcomes.

          Truly, we'd be all  be worse without a NURSE BUT definitely it'll be a misery without NURSING INFORMATICS. ^^


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