Monday, July 11, 2011

CMFAO: Crying My Fat Ass Off! (As to LMFAO ;>)

     Yeah! YOU! I missyou!
      Oh how I miss blogging! I really do! I miss writing, I miss watching tv, I miss playing, I miss strolling, I miss editing videos, I miss everything! But most important of all is I miss MYSELF! Yeah! You heard me right, I miss being myself. Because of these things I'm doing with school stuffs I haffta set aside all I want, and pursue what the time asks me to do. There are lotsov giant task so I haffta re-arrange, re-organize, and re-plan my schedule which is never followed. Well, just sometimes! Hayyy.
     I'm so sad that with these things I am busy with, I barely catch up with other important things that I value! I wanna do things and say things about them 'coz I really do care 'bout it! But it's just like I have no choice but to follow orders of other people 'coz they say that they know "WHAT IS BEST FOR ME". Do they really know? *SIGH. SIGH. SIGH. COUGH! Lol!
    Whatever! But my point is how about what I want? What I believe to? My priorities? Do they know that I get tired and hurt to? AM I EVEN A HUMAN? Indeed! I. Am. A. Human.
~From Natalie Grant's Twitpic, Instagram, or Lockerz...
I don't know! I do not remember!
But the baby looks cute anyway! That's how I cry! ^___^
COL! ='(
    Now a days, its funny that I found myself crying while walking on the streets which I do not usually do (crying on the streets???) and be seen by random people everywhere splashing waterfalls on my face or tearing inside a movie theater while watching an awesomeness, coolness, and action-packed movie called Transformers 3 with a friend not letting her know that I am crying! What the hell is wrong with me? Hahaha! Well let's just say, that's me! I'm emo these days because of these trashy things I feel, see, hear, smell and taste. Yep! TRASHY!
   So yeah, whatever state you are right now, for example, if you are privileged with money, freedom, talent, and everything, use them wisely! Know your values and fulfill all the things that you want to and the things you believe what is best for you! And if you're like me who is shuffling everyday like the LMFAO's Robot, just be diligent and obedient on following the things you  haffta follow even 'zat  you don't want to.'Coz maybe, just probably, it'll bear it's fruit in time. In God's time.

 Yah know,  I sometimes don't  understand many things but I thought... you don't have to understand everything! Yet, still.. I believe, things happens for a reason! DO YOU? :)

*Cheering you up!  Cheering myself up! LOL!


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