Monday, April 18, 2011

Started with a Frown, Ended with a Big Flashy Smile :D

"OH CRAP! What am I gonna do?! I SUCKED AT THIS! !@#$%^&*!123454560987QWERTbvd4erfvd)(*&^%RFT:";yfstbut#4%&*((&Y&^&%&&^kjVj__']\["**"
      Well earlier this afternoon, all of my classmates were so psyched doing this blogging-thingy but really, we were not taught much yet on "How-Is-How" or "What-Is-What"... So I was somehow lost of how this thing works. Even though I asked others on how to do such thing, they were too busy to answer me, and unfortunately our instructor was not there to accompany us due to some other important matters (which of course is understandable). 

     So I was like, "I sucked at this!"
     I feel so clueless
     I'm running out of patience.. (turtle connection)
    And I'm not feeling good about it!

   But you know the beauty of IGNORANCE there is that it made me push myself to the limits...

      And I just can't go on with this UNFINISHED BUSINESS hanging on the rack.

      So when I got home, I went straight to my laptop, opened it, and tried to click, type, drag, copy, paste,cut, smash, toss, crush, twist and turn this page out FROM SCRATCH with a turtle connection on my butt!


1st blog!
KBYE! :))))


"Ignorance has its own way of pushing us out of our limits, you've just got to jump high!"

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